Cesar Millan is best known from his National Geographic Channel show "Dog Whisperer" and his appearances with such show hosts as Opra, Jay Leno, and Diane Sawyer. Cesar is founder of the Dog Psychology Middle in Los Angelos and, together with his spouse, has founded the Cesar and Ilusion Foundation to help shelters and rescue groups.
In CESAR'S WAY, you learn what goes on inside your dog's mind and create a positive, fulfilling relationship along with your best mate. "Dog Whisperer" Cesar Millan is America's most sought-after dog-behavior specialist, but they is not a trainer in the traditional sense -- his expertise lies in his ability to understand dog psychology. Tracing his own journey from a clay-walled farm in Mexico to the celebrity palaces of Los Angeles, Cesar recounts how they learned what makes canines tick.
Other chapters create his ideas of training and re-training dogs; "A Dog's Life," "If they Could Talk to the Animals," and "Dog Psychology." "Power of the Pack" tells in detail ideas they has shown on his televised meetings with canines.
Cesar is best known for his statement "I rehabilitate canines. I train people."
Cesar's formula for a contented and balanced dog seems impossibly simple: exercise, discipline, and affection, in that order. Taking readers through the basics of dog psychology and behavior, Cesar shares the inside details of a quantity of his most fascinating cases, using them to illustrate how common behavior issues create and, more important, how they can be corrected.
In chapters titled "Dogs in the Red Zone," "Cesar's Fulfillment Formula for a Balanced and Healthy Dog," and "Fulfilling Our Canines, Fulfilling Ourselves" they wisely details what goes on inside your dog's mind and tells you...
1. What your dog really needs may not be what you're giving him.
2. Why a dog's natural pack instincts are the key to your happy relationship.
3. How to relate to your dog on a canine level.
4. There are no "problem breeds," just problem owners.
5. Why every dog needs a job.
6. How to choose a dog who's right for you and your family.
7. The difference between discipline and punishment.
Here is just one example of what Cesar has to say:
"In the first season of my National Geographic Channel show, Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, I came across a case that offered an excellent example of how we can use our powers of visualization to instantly transform our energy and our relationships with our dogs.

"Sharon and her husband, Brendan, had rescued Julius, a sweet, lovable pit bull/Dalmatian mix, who, unfortunately, came to them afraid of his own shadow. Whenever they took him out for walks, he would tremble all over and walk with his tail between his legs, and would bolt for the safety of their house the moment he got a chance. When guests came over, he would freeze up and cower under the furniture. When I worked with the couple, I noticed that Sharon became extremely anxious and frightened whenever Julius acted afraid or pulled on his leash during walks. She was so worried about Julius that she would try to comfort him with words, and when he wasn't comforted, she would just throw her hands up in helplessness. It was clear to me that Julius was picking up on Sharon's fearful energy, which was greatly intensifying his own fear.
"When Sharon told me she was an actress, however, I realized that she had a powerful tool at her disposal that she wasn't taking advantage of. The best actors learn to dig deep inside themselves, to use the power of thought, feeling, and imagination to transform themselves into different characters and to switch instantly from one emotional state to another. I asked Sharon to reach into the same 'tool kit' she drew upon when she performed onstage or in a film and concentrate on a very simple acting exercise: to think of a character she identified as being calm and assertive. Because of her training, Sharon immediately understood what I was asking her to do. Without hesitation she answered, 'Cleopatra.' I then suggested that she 'become' Cleopatra every time she walked Julius.
"It was thrilling for me to watch her the first time she gave that acting exercise a try! While walking Julius, Sharon began to imagine that she actually was Cleopatra. Right before my eyes, her posture became straighter and her chest higher. She raised her head and gazed imperiously around her, as if she were the queen of all she surveyed. Thanks to the same acting abilities she'd spent a lifetime honing, suddenly she was aware of her power and her beauty, and she naturally expected everyone--especially her dog--to obey her every wish! Of course, Julius had never gone to acting class, but because he picked up on her energy shift, he had no choice but to become Sharon's 'scene partner' in her Cleopatra fantasy. The change in that cowering pit bull/Dalmatian was immediate. Once he realized he was walking with a 'queen,' he instantly became more relaxed and less fearful. After all, what dog would be afraid with the allpowerful Cleopatra holding his leash?

Cesar Milan, shares a wide selection of knowledge that will help desperate dog owners in all places with all manner of issues, from obedience to understanding the best way to communicate with their canines. Sharing the ideas of pack psychology, dog needs, and far, much more, Cesar also provides lots of tales and anecdotes from his own work and life.
Filled with fascinating anecdotes about Cesar's longtime clients, and including forewords by the president of the International Association of Dog Professionals and Jada Pinkett Smith, this is the only book you'll require to forge a brand new, more rewarding connection along with your four-legged companion.
This dog training book certainly makes it to every dog lover's bookshelf for sure ^_^
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